589 Belle Station Blvd
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Tag: Mount Pleasant Chiropractor

Understanding Incorrect Posture and Office Syndrome

June 29, 2024
Chiropractic Pages
poor posture mount pleasant chiropractor

Understanding Incorrect Posture and Office Syndrome Office workers often find themselves sitting for prolonged periods, leading to what is commonly known as Incorrect Posture Office Syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a variety of symptoms including headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, and neck pain, as illustrated in the infographic above. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll […]

Chiropractic’s Role in Health

March 14, 2022
Chiropractic Pages
Family Chiropractor Mount Pleasant

People often do a google search on Chiropractic and their (disease or condition), and quickly notice that it seems that chiropractic can cure people of just about anything.  It seems that chiropractic’s role in health is endless.   While it may SEEM like chiropractic adjustments are curing all these people of all these conditions, what chiropractors […]

Bedwetting and Chiropractic

February 27, 2022
Chiropractic Pages

It is estimated that 20% of all children wet their beds on a regular basis and many of them continue to do so in the teen years.  Enuresis refers to the inability of a child to establish proper bladder control.  While chiropractic does not treat bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), its focus on spinal structure and restoration […]

Regular Chiropractic Care?

February 10, 2022
Chiropractic Pages
chiropractic wellness

Chiropractic patients are divided into two general categories. The first group of people realize that the same principle that enables the body to get well can also keep it well. They do not use chiropractic care as merely a way of regaining their health but as part of an overall, health-maintenance program. These people use […]

Listening to Your Body

February 8, 2022
Chiropractic Pages
neck pain relief mount pleasant sc

Listening to Your Body Most of us would rather talk than listen. People write best-selling books on how to become a good listener. It is an art. Many women say that a man who is a good listener is more attractive than a man with good looks. When it comes to listening to our body, […]

Good Posture is Good Health

February 7, 2022
Chiropractic Pages
forward head posture

Good Posture…just how important is it? Posture ranks right up at the top of the list when you are talking about good health. It is as important as eating right, exercising, getting a good night’s sleep and avoiding potentially harmful substances like alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Good posture is a way of doing things with […]

Do You Really Want to Be Healthy?

January 25, 2022
Chiropractic Pages

There is an old saying, “Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die to get there.” A similar statement could be made concerning health. In almost any survey taken asking people what they wanted most out of life, good health is one of the top three things on the list. The only […]

Chiropractic Care for Children

January 24, 2022
Chiropractic Pages

Research shows that fourteen-month-old toddlers fall an average of fifteen times per hour while playing. That is not a small number especially when you begin to add the number of falls they take during a day, a week, a month or a year. The cumulative impact of these repetitive falls can cause problems in the […]

Osteoporosis: Prevention with Chiropractic

January 6, 2022
Chiropractic Pages

We know that Osteoporosis can be more effectively prevented than treated for our Mount Pleasant patients. With the enormous cost and morbidity of osteoporosis related conditions, prevention is the only cost-effective approach. Our Mount Pleasant Chiropractic office can help you prevent osteoporosis and other related conditions. Osteoporosis is a condition that exists when the loss […]

Why Can’t They Figure Out What is Wrong With Me!!

November 17, 2020
Chiropractic Pages
Back pain mount pleasant sc

Are you in pain, have Headaches/Migraines or a health condition and the Doctors are saying they can’t find anything wrong? Are they running thousands of dollars of TESTS and not finding anything? Are you frustrated because you know it’s not all in your head?   If you answered yes to these questions, then keep reading!!! […]