Migraines and headaches are a commmon reason people seek a chiropractor in Mt Pleasant for migraine relief.
The Migraine Research Foundation states that 39 million people in the United States experience migraine headaches. It is most common in individuals aged 18–44 years.The pain can be mind numbing, and for many patients it leaves them unable to function. The traditional medical system relies on medication to treat the symptoms but that may come with significant side effects. For many patients that’s not enough and is a reason why individuals often opt for alternative or complementary therapies for migraine relief, such as chiropractic.
It’s important to find the source of whats causing the problem. Our chiropractic office may be able to help. We use a variety of chiropractic techniques to manage migraines. We look to treat the cause of migraines that occur from problems with the neck and muscles. While the symptoms of migraine headaches vary, more than 75% of people with the condition experience associated neck pain. Many of them also report muscle tension, neck stiffness, and problems with jaw function.Headaches and migraines are often the results of spinal misalignment. A contributing factor to spinal misalignment is poor posture from for example: sitting in improper positioning for an extended time. We can help to treat your spinal misalignment without the need for medication by using chiropractic techniques.