Bedwetting and Chiropractic

It is estimated that 20% of all children wet their beds on a regular basis and many of them continue to do so in the teen years.  Enuresis refers to the inability of a child to establish proper bladder control.  While chiropractic does not treat bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), its focus on spinal structure and restoration of normal nervous system function has resulted in helping countless you people resolve this condition.


“The central nervous system plays a critical role in the regulation of the urinary bladder.”  

FRONTIERS NEUROSCIENCE – Roy,H. Green. A. The central Autonomic Network and Regulation of Bladder Function. 2019; 13: 535

“The urinary bladder receives both autonomic and somatic nerve supply from the lumbopelvic region of the spine.”

EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY – de Groat WC, Yoshimura N. Afferent verve regulation of bladder function in health and disease. 2009; 194:91-138

“Children and adults with urinary control issues frequently have postural alterations and neuromotor and sensory deficits associated with nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting”

JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY – Pavione, R. Children with Nocturnal enuresis Have Posture and Balance Disorders. 2016 Aug. (12)4 216

“Chiropractic adjustments achieved a 66% resolution rate within 1 year in 33 children and teanagers who had experienced nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting).”

J MANIPULATIVE PHYSIOL THER – Van Poecke, A Cunbliffe, C. Chiropractic for Primary Nocturnal Enuresis. 2009 Oct, 32(8) 675-81

“Spinal adjustments have been shown to achieve results in the improvement of bedwetting cases.”

J MANIPULATIVE PHYSIOL THER – Kreitz, B. Aker P. (94) (17(7) 465-75 Nocturnal enuresis and chiropractic.


Chiropractic Care of an 8-Year-Old Girl With Nonorganic, Primary Nocturnal Enuresis: A Case Report

chiropractic and bedwetting

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We have helped many children with bedwetting.  Click here to schedule a consultation with us. As one of the leading chiropractors in Mount Pleasant, SC], we have the team to help with a range of issues.

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Dr. Dennis Hupka