Chiropractic Subluxation

Understanding the Importance of a Healthy Spine for Optimal Health and Wellness

The reason chiropractors put so much emphasis on the spine is because your nervous system runs through it.  Chiropractic was founded upon the principle that a chiropractic subluxation disrupts how your nervous system controls your body creating health issues. Your brain quietly sends a millions and millions of electrical nerve messages down your spine. The spine is divided into 24 movable segments which act like a switchboard for your whole body. Your spine is your body’s lifeline and your nervous system is the “power plant” that literally controls every function within your body. The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and a network of twelve miles of nerves that exit your spine.  Every one of the nerves that exit your spine connects to a different part of your body. These nerve messages make your organs work and make your body parts move.

Chiropractic subluxationWhen your spine gets out of alignment or becomes “subluxated” it interferes with the power connection between the brain and a part of the body. If a vertebra or spinal bone were subluxated out of normal alignment it squeezes, stretches or pulls, on the nerve and “blocks” off the power.

The “National Institute of Health” found that 10 mm of mercury (weight of a dime) of compression on a nerve decreased the action potentials (power) to 60% of its initial value. That is a decrease of 40% in nerve power strength and can definitely cause a weakness pattern. You can also have a problem with the nerve supply if it is under tension.

If we block half of the power going to the heart how well is the heart going to work? That’s right, only half as well as it should because it is being disconnected from it’s power source.

When your spine is strong and healthy and well-aligned it keeps your power “turned on” everywhere in your body. Strong power means strong function and strong healing . . . and strong healing means a healthier life. Poor alignment in your spine means poor power, and poor power . . . turns into poorer health.


My Message to the World is that “a healthy spine means a healthier you!”

You are beginning to see that your future is as only as strong as your spine is healthy! It is that simple!


chiropractic adjustmentThink of chiropractic as orthodontics for the spine.

There are three things I always recommend for the spine:
1) To “check” it 2) to “correct” it and 3) to “maintain” it.

People with strong healthy, well-aligned spines are some of the healthiest people on the planet. Very few people are as healthy as they really could or should be. Research shows that 80% of two year olds have chiropractic subluxations already. That means that most of us have never truly known what great health feels like because we have been walking around with subluxations in our spines our whole lives.

It is no wonder our world is in such a state of health crisis. We live in a society that tells us that drugs are the answer to our health problems. 48% of all Americans take at least 1 prescription medication on any given day. 24% take 3 or more! 4 out of 6 people die from cancer, heart disease, or unexpected reactions to prescription drugs. The United states has 5% of the worlds population and consume over 50% of the worlds drugs, yet we rank 37th according to the World Health Organization. The USA is ranked lower than Malta, Costa Rica, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and we are slightly better than Slovenia in overall health.

People with strong, healthy spines that are free from chiropractic subluxation have fewer heart attacks poor postureand get cancer far less often and they rarely die from drug reactions . . . because they don’t use them.

More expensive drugs are not the answer! Taking better care of ourselves and getting your spine healthy and free from subluxation from birth and keeping it healthy is the answer.

Chiropractic Subluxation is extremely serious. No matter how healthy you may feel, if you have subluxations, you are not as healthy as you could be or should be, and you are at risk.

Read the Wilk Vs. the AMA. court case about the AMA boycott on Chiropractic. (which was settled by a U.S. Supreme court decision in 1990). With the powers to be so strongly aligned against chiropractic, if it didn’t work, we wouldn’t be around. Our patients keep us here…. when you try a chiropractor and learn about TRUE healthcare…not sick care…. you will add life to your years..

Get checked for chiropractic Subluxations by our office and give yourself a chance to be the best you, you can be.  Far too many people wait until the bottom falls out of their health to visit the chiropractor.  Many do get better, but there is a lot of needless suffering in the time it takes to improve.  I feel it is better approach to work on keeping your health at or as close to perfection than to fight to recover once you feel the symptoms.  If you want to schedule a consultation with the our office click here.

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Dr. Dennis Hupka